Getting started w/ Whop


I put together this list to help you get a clear understanding of Whop in as much of a streamlined process as possible.

1) Whop whops you should check out: (You are currently here) (This whop will walk you through the app ecosystem)

2) Video explanation of Whop, Whop apps and more! Video here

3) Here is a real case usage of Whop you should check out:

You’ll notice both are the same whop but look completely different.
The first link is a hub link, this is what whops look like behind the scenes, this is the end destination. 

The second link is a marketplace link, this is the store page link where users can purchase access to whops (both free and paid).

4) Before interviewing for any position at Whop you should first create a whop! You can find a guide here:

Not sure what to make head over to our blog for some ideas! ->

Looking forward to meeting you!